Con IVA | |
Prezzo Base: | €458,83 |
Totale: | €458,83 |
System requirements
Minimum Android Requirements
Operating System KitKat 4.4 or higher
Processor Dual Core or higher
RAM 1GB or higher
Storage 5GB or higher
Preferred Android requirements
Operating System KitKat 4.4 or higher
Processor Quad Core or higher
RAM 2GB or higher
Storage 10GB or higher
Minimum HTML5 Requirements
HTML5 Browser
System RAM 1GB or higher
HTML5 Cache storage 1GB or higher
Minimum Samsung TV Requirements
Operating system SSSP3 or SSSP4
Latest updates installed
Specifications and capability’s
Flickr Integration
Video upload
Youtube integration
Vimeo integration
Powerpoint integration
Twitter integration
Instagram integration
Facebook integration
Streaming Video
Streaming Audio
Weather feed
Dynamic text
External data [RSS/XML]
Media RSS
Local caching
Ticker tape
Plan module (scheduling)
Touch functionality
Offline mode
Office 365 Calendar integration
Google calendar integration
Meeting room capability
Yammer integration
The TDM Android app is available through the Google Play store and is free downloadable.
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